Jebel Jais Climb

Distance: 13.5km

Elevation: 763m, 5.7%


Rider count: 13

Rider Date unfold_more Duration expand_more Power unfold_more HR unfold_more
co Camila Salgado 2025/01/26 12:00 55:41.310 143w 168bpm
ph Ronamae Joy Mier 2025/01/26 12:00 56:02.360 156w 160bpm
br Sandra Aparecida Ferron 2025/01/26 12:00 56:37.980 185w 181bpm
co Isabela Giraldo 2025/01/26 12:00 01:01:24.510 150w 178bpm
gb Nicola Lloyd 2025/01/26 12:00 01:02:26.480 164w 165bpm
au Amy Thompson 2025/01/26 12:00 01:04:39.600 157w 170bpm
it Claudia Gentili 2025/01/26 12:00 01:04:44.150 143w 169bpm
br Jaqueline Kirchner 2025/01/26 12:00 01:05:55.260 144w 171bpm
co ANGIE PARRA 2025/01/26 12:00 01:08:54.670 120w 166bpm
au Alicia Fiedler 2025/01/26 12:00 01:11:36.370 135w 169bpm
ca Dominique Charlebois 2025/01/26 12:00 01:12:25.590 144w 157bpm
co Julieth Narvaez 2025/01/26 12:00 01:24:50.140 97w 147bpm
nz Jessica Hamilton 2025/01/26 12:00 01:36:09.860 140w 143bpm
( Items: 1 - 13 from 13 )
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