Jebel Jais Climb

Distance: 13.5km

Elevation: 763m, 5.7%


Rider count: 36

Rider Date unfold_more Duration expand_more Power unfold_more HR unfold_more
ee Ivo Suur 2025/01/26 14:00 35:36.550 359w 169bpm
de Patrick Blume 2025/01/26 14:00 35:50.750 368w 160bpm
au Marc Gates 2025/01/26 14:00 36:08.510 353w 169bpm
se Adam Stenman 2025/01/26 14:00 37:15.640 333w 157bpm
be Wouter Claes 2025/01/26 14:00 37:25.290 346w 166bpm
us Taylor Gonsoulin 2024/04/14 13:40 37:28.300 338w 162bpm
gb-wls Ryan Dummer 2025/01/26 14:00 37:29.780 330w 179bpm
ro Ureche iosif 2025/01/26 14:00 37:41.060 332w 167bpm
be Stan Vanwalleghem 2024/06/30 13:40 37:57.810 329w 181bpm
gb Nikul Kansara 2024/04/14 13:40 38:16.820 326w 168bpm
nl Tom Gakes 2023/08/06 23:45 40:20.960 315w 0bpm
se Erik Rindborg 2024/04/14 13:40 40:29.510 307w 169bpm
nz Jack Staples 2023/08/06 23:45 40:45.080 313w 174bpm
nz Simon Acker 2024/06/30 13:40 41:23.230 302w 184bpm
au Nicholas Spratt 2025/01/26 14:00 41:25.080 295w 169bpm
au David Winfield 2023/06/25 13:40 41:29.920 311w 160bpm
nz Wayne Smythe 2024/06/30 13:40 41:34.990 303w 174bpm
za Eben Swart 2023/06/25 13:40 41:38.960 292w 153bpm
co Daniel Valencia 2024/06/30 13:40 41:42.750 316w 173bpm
au Nick Squillari 2025/01/26 14:00 42:47.550 294w 164bpm
cz Jakub Vojacek 2025/01/26 14:00 43:08.330 287w 152bpm
cl Daniel Cadiz 2024/06/30 13:40 43:13.830 306w 161bpm
it Andrea Montalto Monella 2023/08/06 23:45 43:24.740 287w 158bpm
it fabiano orengo 2023/06/25 13:40 44:51.310 271w 165bpm
it Luca Barla 2023/06/25 13:40 45:08.190 295w 162bpm
nz James Mountier 2024/04/14 13:40 45:38.560 291w 164bpm
nz Heath Eckersley 2023/08/06 23:45 46:12.710 273w 157bpm
au Ben Kirk 2024/04/14 13:40 47:59.700 258w 142bpm
de Alex Pleger 2023/06/25 13:40 48:26.900 253w 173bpm
us Rob Miller 2023/06/25 13:40 48:49.310 276w 134bpm
au Matt Smithson 2023/08/06 23:45 52:00.090 233w 149bpm
au Luke Allport 2025/01/26 14:00 53:05.840 229w 154bpm
nz Justin Roy 2024/04/14 13:40 55:19.150 236w 140bpm
se Robin Andersson 2024/04/14 13:40 55:30.180 227w 152bpm
pl Wojtek Galuszka 2024/06/30 13:40 57:14.460 212w 160bpm
au Andrew Neville-Ross 2024/06/30 13:40 01:19:09.660 150w 144bpm
( Items: 1 - 36 from 36 )
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