Wollongong Climb

Distance: 1.9km

Elevation: 102m, 5.4%


Rider count: 27

Rider Date unfold_more Duration expand_more Power unfold_more HR unfold_more
tr Kaan Kayin 2024/09/22 13:40 04:02.350 336w 171bpm
tr Berk Kayin 2024/12/01 14:00 04:02.760 325w 176bpm
it Daniel Benedetti 2024/12/01 14:00 04:03.924 335w 175bpm
fr Camille Danies 2024/12/01 14:00 04:42.140 287w 152bpm
it Sophie Giovane 2024/11/03 11:45 05:35.302 246w 178bpm
se Sara Lundin 2024/11/03 11:45 05:37.139 265w 171bpm
se Nellie Larsson 2024/11/03 11:45 05:37.267 268w 157bpm
se Gabriella Nordin 2024/11/03 11:45 05:37.462 246w 168bpm
it Serena Vittori 2024/11/03 11:45 05:37.668 278w 189bpm
de maria marb 2024/11/03 11:45 05:38.251 278w 173bpm
au Hannah Gianatti 2024/11/03 11:45 05:43.703 248w 181bpm
lt Ursulia Kesani 2024/09/22 11:45 05:49.919 258w 175bpm
co Alejandra Jaramillo 2024/09/22 11:45 05:56.676 249w 165bpm
ph Jermyn Prado 2024/07/28 11:45 06:00.383 270w 186bpm
co stefania sanchez 2024/09/22 11:45 06:06.166 253w 185bpm
za Kelsey jade Van schoor 2024/07/28 11:45 06:10.127 219w 192bpm
it Silvia gorrea 2024/09/22 11:45 06:12.653 230w 179bpm
gb Nile Battey 2024/09/22 13:40 06:28.956 152w 151bpm
ir mandana dehghan manshadi 2024/11/03 11:45 06:32.429 240w 177bpm
au Brianna Samuhel 2024/11/03 11:45 06:37.922 229w 181bpm
co Cecilia Garcia 2023/11/05 11:45 07:02.107 198w 173bpm
de Tanja Hohwieler 2024/03/31 21:45 07:23.581 207w 153bpm
pl Barbara Bulawa 2024/07/28 11:45 07:32.210 207w 163bpm
ph angelica altamarino 2024/11/03 11:45 07:39.489 177w 176bpm
co Maria Jose Zabala 2023/11/05 11:45 07:41.011 200w 172bpm
co Laura Toconas 2024/05/05 11:45 08:05.425 186w 168bpm
co LORENA BELTRAN 2024/09/22 11:45 08:08.319 182w 167bpm
( Items: 1 - 27 from 27 )
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