Endurance Climb

Distance: 3km

Elevation: N/A


Rider count: 27

Rider Date unfold_more Duration expand_more Power unfold_more HR unfold_more
ch Kathrin Fuhrer 2024/08/11 11:45 09:56.241 292w 178bpm
us Kristen Kulchinsky 2024/08/11 11:45 09:57.256 263w 173bpm
it Roberta Bussone 2024/08/11 11:45 10:17.723 233w 178bpm
co Jessenia Meneses 2024/08/11 11:45 10:18.101 251w 169bpm
nz Mary Kate McCarthy 2024/08/11 11:45 10:29.602 279w 160bpm
it Selene Colombi 2024/08/11 11:45 10:31.142 267w 164bpm
gb Maria Holdcroft 2024/08/11 11:45 10:40.652 289w 170bpm
cn Hao Zhang 2024/08/11 11:45 10:41.095 296w 173bpm
pl Karolina Kołkowicz 2024/08/11 11:45 10:59.736 257w 178bpm
de emilia welte 2024/08/11 11:45 11:03.589 268w 186bpm
se Cornelia Engström 2024/08/11 11:45 11:06.282 220w 166bpm
fi Minna Koistinen 2024/08/11 11:45 11:11.837 263w 167bpm
gb-sct Natalie Stevenson 2024/08/11 11:45 11:15.363 240w 178bpm
be Amelia Van Hove 2024/08/11 11:45 11:15.549 266w 167bpm
br Gabriela Guerra 2024/08/11 11:45 11:16.046 263w 175bpm
se Marlene Bjärehed 2024/08/11 11:45 11:35.268 222w 181bpm
it Sophie Giovane 2024/08/11 11:45 11:35.388 199w 169bpm
gb Charlotte Colclough 2024/08/11 11:45 11:35.684 231w 173bpm
de Goekce Paul 2024/08/11 11:45 11:38.550 229w 169bpm
se Gabriella Nordin 2024/08/11 11:45 11:39.687 202w 167bpm
pl Joanna Kalman 2024/08/11 11:45 11:53.568 242w 164bpm
lt Ursulia Kesani 2024/08/11 11:45 12:24.786 240w 172bpm
co Dorancy González Rúa 2024/08/11 11:45 13:23.885 203w 160bpm
se Johanna Tidholm 2024/08/11 11:45 13:32.211 252w 138bpm
ca Tiffany Penner 2024/08/11 11:45 13:42.189 221w 184bpm
us Stefanie Sydlik 2024/08/11 11:45 14:27.977 176w 144bpm
se Mika Söderström 2024/08/11 11:45 16:00.936 204w 143bpm
( Items: 1 - 27 from 27 )
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