Amazon Hills

Distance: 1km

Elevation: N/A


Rider count: 54

Rider Date unfold_more Duration expand_more Power unfold_more HR unfold_more
es Cesar Gonzalez 2025/01/15 21:30 01:23.471 436w 0bpm
de Julius Ganter 2025/01/15 21:30 01:25.040 338w 186bpm
de Nick Dammers 2025/01/17 21:30 01:27.003 360w 0bpm
de Chris Bamberg 2025/01/14 21:30 01:29.332 311w 0bpm
za KOBUS BOTES 2025/01/17 21:30 01:29.633 318w 0bpm
pt João Calvario 2025/01/14 21:30 01:30.358 286w 147bpm
ae Lukas Hoetzel 2025/01/29 20:30 01:32.737 295w 174bpm
nl Dirk vanIersel 2025/01/17 21:30 01:33.048 308w 0bpm
fr Olivier brisson 2025/01/29 20:30 01:34.814 264w 162bpm
it Andre Ghiso 2025/01/16 21:30 01:35.381 298w 177bpm
gb David Gardner 2025/01/29 20:30 01:35.413 266w 159bpm
pl rad latanski 2025/01/14 21:30 01:35.824 272w 166bpm
de Dietmar Wolf 2025/01/14 21:30 01:36.331 271w 0bpm
ro Dan Gyorgy 2025/01/15 21:30 01:36.553 287w 169bpm
pl Milczarek Krzysztof 2025/01/14 21:30 01:36.860 267w 0bpm
es Jon Kiu 2025/01/14 21:30 01:37.175 227w 164bpm
ca Kevin Cateau 2025/01/29 20:30 01:37.400 262w 0bpm
ae Christian Schwartz 2025/01/14 21:30 01:37.560 261w 0bpm
ps Galder Ajuria 2025/01/13 21:30 01:39.030 272w 158bpm
it Vincenzo Romano 2025/01/14 21:30 01:40.285 252w 168bpm
it Mattia Sposato 2025/01/16 21:30 01:40.665 259w 157bpm
kr Han kyuhyun 2025/01/16 03:45 01:40.711 261w 0bpm
it Gabriele Caiterzi 2025/01/13 21:30 01:41.171 254w 175bpm
fr JEAN PAUL RAISENNE 2025/01/13 21:30 01:41.979 234w 167bpm
it claudio viganò 2025/01/16 21:30 01:42.673 246w 0bpm
it Didier Sacchet 2025/01/14 21:30 01:43.199 256w 0bpm
fr Anthony Tarmac 2025/01/15 21:30 01:43.333 236w 0bpm
pt Tiago Rodrigues Gaiabike 2025/01/13 21:30 01:44.347 229w 171bpm
it Claudio Peruzzi 2025/01/14 21:30 01:44.357 244w 122bpm
fr julien Yoncourt 2025/01/29 20:30 01:44.406 255w 169bpm
fr cedric launay 2025/01/13 21:30 01:44.892 201w 0bpm
fr NICOLAS PRIEUR 2025/01/13 21:30 01:45.278 230w 152bpm
fr Robin Glemarec 2025/01/14 21:30 01:45.941 226w 0bpm
ae Le Piaf :) 2025/01/29 20:30 01:46.180 213w 0bpm
es TONI GARCIA 2025/01/14 21:30 01:46.282 226w 157bpm
si Tadej Gec 2025/01/16 21:30 01:46.350 221w 0bpm
si Jozef Strizic 2025/01/13 21:30 01:46.389 227w 149bpm
es Miguel Moneo 2025/01/15 21:30 01:46.636 208w 137bpm
es Emilio Lillo 2025/01/29 20:30 01:49.668 207w 159bpm
it david baldacci 2025/01/14 21:30 01:53.333 192w 0bpm
it Alfredo Oliverio 2025/01/17 21:30 01:54.328 202w 143bpm
fr Natanael BRES 2025/01/13 21:30 01:54.877 189w 0bpm
gb Chris Heathcote 2025/01/17 21:30 01:58.060 172w 159bpm
it Stefano Gadani 2025/01/13 21:30 01:58.217 183w 111bpm
it Django robb 2025/01/14 21:30 01:58.718 179w 145bpm
pt Fábio Miguel 2025/01/29 20:30 02:00.729 182w 0bpm
es Gonzalo Gonzalez 2025/01/13 21:30 02:03.369 171w 182bpm
fr gomez romain 2025/01/14 21:30 02:05.238 163w 0bpm
es JOSE PONS 2025/01/17 21:30 02:06.525 159w 122bpm
it Samuele P. 2025/01/16 21:30 02:06.698 156w 134bpm
ae FAZILLEAU Hugues 2025/01/14 21:30 02:13.084 254w 150bpm
it Alessandro Fraioli 2025/01/16 21:30 02:14.034 150w 0bpm
ar Carlos A. Ruscio 2025/01/15 03:45 02:14.832 143w 159bpm
ae Francesco Assuntore 2025/01/13 21:30 02:27.891 142w 136bpm
( Items: 1 - 54 from 54 )
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