Tel Moreeb Climb

Distance: 800m

Elevation: N/A


Rider count: 40

Rider Date unfold_more Duration expand_more Power unfold_more HR unfold_more
ae Dexter Abello 2024/11/10 13:40 02:52.044 383w 186bpm
gb James Robinson 2024/11/10 13:40 02:52.412 418w 176bpm
ae Francis Pino 2024/12/15 13:45 03:01.600 353w 182bpm
pt Luis Castro 2024/12/15 13:45 03:02.403 366w 174bpm
co juan lopera 2024/12/15 13:45 03:03.335 387w 185bpm
au Jonathon Cridland 2024/09/15 13:40 03:04.172 379w 173bpm
nz Tim Connole 2024/09/15 13:40 03:04.742 380w 170bpm
co Jairo Calderon 2024/11/10 13:40 03:04.982 350w 174bpm
gb-wls Robert Edwards 2024/06/16 13:40 03:05.776 378w 148bpm
ph Clinton Dave Cirilo 2024/12/15 13:45 03:05.895 360w 179bpm
fi Panu Alaluusua 2024/11/10 13:40 03:05.959 381w 181bpm
pl Karol Barchanski 2024/11/10 13:40 03:06.886 377w 190bpm
ae BU Amer 2024/09/15 13:40 03:09.897 380w 174bpm
gb Kevin Horsley 2024/10/06 13:40 03:12.101 375w 158bpm
nz Jeff Rooney 2024/10/06 13:40 03:13.376 372w 179bpm
se Albin Bogren 2024/10/06 13:40 03:13.376 346w 162bpm
ae SS . 2024/07/21 13:40 03:14.487 358w 155bpm
be kevin motmans 2024/12/15 13:45 03:20.217 341w 166bpm
ph Mac Manroe Leonador 2024/09/15 13:40 03:26.172 336w 165bpm
gb *Si Bradeley 2024/10/06 13:40 03:27.006 333w 174bpm
nl Ismael Nogueira 2024/10/06 13:40 03:29.700 313w 168bpm
co Diego Navarro 2024/10/06 13:40 03:30.995 324w 171bpm
co David Alejandro Mejia Carcajal 2024/06/16 13:40 03:32.638 324w 185bpm
be xavier maillard 2024/09/15 13:40 03:35.952 316w 168bpm
de Steffen Preuß 2024/07/21 13:40 03:37.010 332w 177bpm
ph Joshua Calang Ad 2024/09/15 13:40 03:39.353 293w 163bpm
tr Mohammad mokhtari 2024/12/15 13:45 03:42.156 289w 175bpm
fr florian dromard 2024/11/10 13:40 03:43.908 298w 170bpm
co Mateo Pino 2024/12/15 13:45 03:45.102 304w 173bpm
us David Thompson 2024/12/15 13:45 03:47.005 286w 157bpm
cz Petr Otruba 2024/10/06 13:40 03:57.389 286w 155bpm
br Diouzer Somavilla 2024/10/06 13:40 03:57.406 282w 171bpm
co Santiago Marín González 2024/07/21 13:40 04:00.314 273w 184bpm
co Johsman Alexander Vergara Giraldo 2024/10/06 13:40 04:04.768 265w 167bpm
co Alexis Agudelo 2024/09/15 13:40 04:32.832 236w 156bpm
ir yousef khalili 2024/12/15 13:45 04:35.170 253w 165bpm
co David Molano 2024/07/21 13:40 04:38.734 247w 158bpm
co Diego Orrego 2024/06/16 13:40 04:43.613 237w 178bpm
lt Vytautas Jokubonis 2024/11/10 13:40 05:00.005 218w 175bpm
ph MANUELITO LEONADOR 2024/09/15 13:40 05:00.576 232w 147bpm
( Items: 1 - 40 from 40 )
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