Tel Moreeb Climb

Distance: 800m

Elevation: N/A


Rider count: 22

Rider Date unfold_more Duration expand_more Power unfold_more HR unfold_more
fr Frédéric Gombert 2024/10/06 13:40 02:27.970 427w 170bpm
no Anders Bengtson 2024/11/10 13:40 02:31.833 413w 173bpm
tr Kaan Kayin 2024/11/10 13:40 02:31.909 372w 176bpm
ma Saad Khereddine 2024/11/10 13:40 02:32.101 410w 180bpm
ma mohamed El Alami 2024/09/15 13:40 02:32.532 406w 184bpm
ug ivan njuki 2024/10/06 13:40 02:33.410 378w 185bpm
it Daniel Benedetti 2024/09/15 13:40 02:35.911 369w 179bpm
us John Bruhn 2024/11/10 13:40 02:36.618 404w 174bpm
au Lindon Milostic 2024/06/16 13:40 02:43.440 369w 179bpm
us Brian Musum 2024/07/21 13:40 02:49.735 366w 162bpm
it alessandro barra 2024/12/15 13:45 02:49.978 374w 159bpm
co Jose Rodriguez 2024/09/15 13:40 02:53.579 366w 160bpm
tr Berk Kayin 2024/11/10 13:40 02:57.369 319w 181bpm
dk Mads Buster 2024/10/06 13:40 02:59.110 352w 175bpm
gb Andrew Rushmer 2024/09/15 13:40 03:01.907 317w 165bpm
co Alejandro Largo 2024/06/16 13:40 03:08.215 320w 161bpm
bh mohammed alqais 2024/10/06 13:40 03:08.431 327w 149bpm
fr Camille Danies 2024/11/10 13:40 03:21.022 284w 149bpm
co Alberto Zapata 2024/07/21 13:40 03:31.511 278w 164bpm
pl Andrzej Dyduch 2024/10/06 13:40 03:35.318 284w 167bpm
co Cristhian Montoya 2024/10/06 13:40 03:47.994 258w 160bpm
co Edwar caro 2024/11/10 13:40 04:06.865 252w 163bpm
( Items: 1 - 22 from 22 )
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