Sea Life Climb

Distance: 1.6km

Elevation: N/A


Rider count: 21

Rider Date expand_more Duration unfold_more Power unfold_more HR unfold_more
gb-wls Stephen White 2023/08/22 13:00 07:57.207 146w 0bpm
gb Tom Harvey 2023/08/22 13:00 05:24.383 240w 67bpm
gb chris stanton 2023/08/22 23:00 03:26.572 414w 154bpm
il Shay Vansover 2023/08/22 23:00 04:44.409 284w 160bpm
br Rubens Reichert 2023/08/23 04:00 05:24.514 226w 153bpm
au jason barnes 2023/09/12 13:00 04:34.986 281w 161bpm
au Luke Allport 2023/09/12 13:00 04:11.886 307w 149bpm
dk Steen Brusgaard 2023/09/12 23:00 05:10.523 244w 153bpm
us Ken Val 2023/09/12 23:00 07:59.298 139w 151bpm
se Ola Warren 2023/11/21 13:00 03:42.069 388w 159bpm
au Craig Doel 2023/11/21 13:00 04:55.642 261w 171bpm
nz Scott Francis 2023/11/21 23:00 03:51.955 345w 170bpm
nl Willem van Kernebeek 2023/11/21 23:00 04:36.872 271w 193bpm
pl RafaƂ Jach 2023/11/21 23:00 04:36.548 283w 150bpm
it francesco gentilezza 2024/03/19 23:00 05:32.965 219w 132bpm
pl Natka XXX 2024/03/19 23:00 05:37.528 212w 0bpm
ca Tyler Dempsey 2024/03/20 04:00 04:00.111 309w 170bpm
gb Kirk Finlinson 2024/05/28 23:00 04:53.004 247w 167bpm
ae David Pereira 2024/05/29 04:00 08:08.346 140w 147bpm
se Fredrik Strid 2025/01/22 20:30 06:00.150 205w 0bpm
si Klemen Omejc 2025/01/22 20:30 04:14.446 296w 0bpm
( Items: 1 - 21 from 21 )
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