Uci World Climb

Distance: 400m

Elevation: N/A


Rider count: 15

Rider Date unfold_more Duration unfold_more Power expand_less HR unfold_more
us Elyse Gallegos 2024/07/31 21:30 01:06.995 454w 169bpm
fi Minna Koistinen 2024/07/31 21:30 01:06.957 415w 168bpm
au Kate Trdin 2024/07/27 12:00 01:12.506 387w 183bpm
us Ellexi Snover 2024/08/01 01:00 01:14.098 381w 146bpm
se Cornelia Engström 2024/07/31 21:30 01:06.446 335w 167bpm
co katherin Montoya 2024/08/01 01:00 01:15.604 323w 158bpm
de Kimberly Miller 2024/07/31 21:30 01:28.511 321w 170bpm
co Alejandra Jaramillo 2024/08/01 01:00 01:16.530 311w 158bpm
ph Carla Leonor 2024/07/27 12:00 01:57.483 258w 158bpm
pl karolina chudzikiewicz 2024/07/31 21:30 01:50.359 252w 162bpm
se Lisa Hermansson 2024/07/27 12:00 01:48.087 244w 151bpm
de Julia Walkenhorst 2024/07/27 12:00 01:58.674 236w 163bpm
se Julia Montgomery 2024/07/27 12:00 01:53.535 233w 117bpm
ch Kathrin Fuhrer 2024/07/27 12:00 02:08.563 197w 130bpm
co Cinthia Michele Narvaez Hoyos 2024/08/01 01:00 02:14.527 150w 179bpm
( Items: 1 - 15 from 15 )
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