Uci World Climb

Distance: 400m

Elevation: N/A


Rider count: 23

Rider Date unfold_more Duration unfold_more Power unfold_more HR expand_less
gb Nile Battey 2024/07/31 21:30 01:03.595 310w 186bpm
be Ruben Dhondt 2024/07/27 12:00 00:46.457 788w 181bpm
us hayden pucker 2024/08/01 01:00 00:49.000 875w 180bpm
be kjell power 2024/07/31 21:30 00:46.390 638w 176bpm
de Konrad Fenderich 2024/07/31 21:30 00:58.557 561w 175bpm
ph edson corbadora 2024/07/27 21:00 01:21.376 340w 174bpm
ph lenard gregg cadabona 2024/07/31 21:30 01:00.632 477w 173bpm
nz Ben Lee 2024/07/27 12:00 01:20.603 423w 167bpm
fr florian dromard 2024/07/31 21:30 01:33.402 308w 165bpm
nz ollie jones 2024/08/01 01:00 01:06.182 504w 163bpm
ca Alain Raymond 2024/07/31 21:30 01:59.287 294w 163bpm
us Zach Nehr 2024/07/31 21:30 00:48.934 708w 163bpm
it Nicolo Severa 2024/07/27 12:00 01:11.857 416w 163bpm
it Riccardo Panizza 2024/07/31 21:30 00:49.103 618w 162bpm
co Marvin Orlando Angarita Reyes 2024/08/01 01:00 01:05.328 517w 161bpm
co Sergio Hoyos 2024/07/27 21:00 01:14.424 390w 159bpm
au Joshua Harris 2024/07/27 12:00 00:48.989 664w 158bpm
it Adriano zanasca 2024/07/31 21:30 01:33.325 308w 156bpm
cv Ivan Monteiro da Luz 2024/07/27 12:00 01:36.555 375w 156bpm
nz Jeff Rooney 2024/08/01 01:00 01:11.016 468w 153bpm
ph rudy roque 2024/07/27 21:00 01:20.134 401w 145bpm
fi Tatu Koistinen 2024/07/27 12:00 00:49.136 719w 130bpm
dk michael knudsen 2024/07/27 12:00 00:54.989 571w 0bpm
( Items: 1 - 23 from 23 )
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