Coffee Plantation

Distance: 200m

Elevation: N/A


Rider count: 37

Rider Date unfold_more Duration unfold_more Power unfold_more HR expand_less
br Alan Ricardo Rodrigues 2024/07/28 00:00 00:22.306 525w 185bpm
be Laurent Devroede 2024/04/19 11:00 00:14.627 593w 183bpm
br Josiel R. Betti 2024/07/28 00:00 00:19.820 696w 180bpm
za LONE WOLF 2024/03/29 12:00 00:17.260 334w 178bpm
va Abu Diamano 2024/03/22 12:00 00:16.404 355w 177bpm
br Marcos Carvalho 2024/07/28 00:00 00:19.751 660w 175bpm
br Edilson Casagrande Filho 2024/07/28 00:00 00:21.900 390w 175bpm
br Paulo Kirchner 2024/07/28 00:00 00:18.122 853w 173bpm
pl Lukasz Piotrowicz 2024/03/22 12:00 00:19.752 184w 170bpm
gb paul goucher 2024/03/22 12:00 00:18.375 317w 166bpm
pt Rui Santos 2024/03/29 12:00 00:17.697 208w 165bpm
br Cristiano Lira 2024/07/28 00:00 00:23.099 383w 164bpm
gb-nir Ash Lake 2024/04/05 11:00 00:14.124 685w 164bpm
th Krit Komolmit 2024/03/15 12:00 00:21.146 198w 162bpm
my Ricky Kong 2024/03/29 12:00 00:17.524 225w 161bpm
gb Adrian Osborn 2024/04/19 11:00 00:14.814 552w 159bpm
si Primoz Ban 2024/04/19 11:00 00:18.099 284w 155bpm
it andi ene 2024/03/29 12:00 00:20.737 207w 155bpm
il Moshe Amit 2024/04/19 11:00 00:18.832 275w 154bpm
my Ardie Rahman 2024/04/19 11:00 00:15.031 383w 154bpm
gb Joe Grandson 2024/03/15 12:00 00:20.081 233w 152bpm
gb Dave Clarkson (cryo) 2024/03/22 12:00 00:14.353 559w 146bpm
pt Carlos Mourato 2024/03/29 12:00 00:15.990 413w 142bpm
gb Paul Ashbury 2024/04/19 11:00 00:17.696 288w 135bpm
fr matt painter 2024/03/22 12:00 00:16.432 431w 127bpm
es Carlos Oyague 2024/04/19 11:00 00:20.583 160w 119bpm
tr Murat GÜÇ 2024/03/15 12:00 00:19.102 259w 0bpm
ru Dimon Vzhik 2024/03/08 12:00 00:16.370 383w 0bpm
gb Masoud Dlavari 2024/03/29 12:00 00:19.573 161w 0bpm
fr Luc Tendron 2024/04/26 11:00 00:13.652 668w 0bpm
jp Tac CHI 2024/03/15 12:00 00:19.324 181w 0bpm
gb Sam Walters 2024/03/15 12:00 00:19.484 307w 0bpm
gb Ollie Payne 2024/03/29 12:00 00:17.658 288w 0bpm
tr GÖKAY AKÇETİN 2024/03/08 12:00 00:17.145 338w 0bpm
de Marcus Lehmann 2024/04/19 11:00 00:13.804 735w 0bpm
pt Zé Tó 2024/03/22 12:00 00:13.291 769w 0bpm
gb Rich Dempsey 2024/04/19 11:00 00:16.360 409w 0bpm
( Items: 1 - 37 from 37 )
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