Jebel Hafeet Climb

Distance: 9.1km

Elevation: 690m, 7.6%


Rider count: 36

Rider Date unfold_more Duration expand_more Power unfold_more HR unfold_more
fr Raphael Amouroux 2024/08/25 13:40 32:31.130 370w 162bpm
be Wouter Claes 2024/12/29 13:40 32:35.360 349w 176bpm
us Taylor Gonsoulin 2024/05/12 13:40 33:14.310 337w 164bpm
ee Ivo Suur 2024/12/29 13:40 33:16.550 344w 167bpm
nz Jack Staples 2024/03/31 20:40 33:32.940 342w 185bpm
gb Nikul Kansara 2024/03/31 20:40 33:33.160 333w 170bpm
za Henry Uys 2024/08/25 13:40 34:08.240 322w 177bpm
co Carlos Alberto UrĂ¡n Arroyave 2023/08/27 13:40 34:16.480 322w 169bpm
nl Tom Gakes 2023/08/27 13:40 34:17.750 330w 159bpm
it Andrea Montalto Monella 2023/07/09 13:40 34:30.870 313w 170bpm
nz Wayne Smythe 2024/05/12 13:40 34:55.500 320w 173bpm
au David Winfield 2023/07/09 13:40 34:56.710 327w 160bpm
it Paolo Cusumano 2024/03/31 20:40 35:01.140 318w 176bpm
au Matt Smithson 2023/08/27 13:40 36:10.700 304w 156bpm
nz Heath Eckersley 2023/08/27 13:40 36:33.500 306w 165bpm
au Ben Kirk 2024/10/27 13:40 36:34.400 317w 155bpm
us Rob Miller 2023/08/27 13:40 36:47.060 318w 156bpm
nz Simon Acker 2023/08/27 13:40 37:18.100 308w 181bpm
za Eben Swart 2024/08/25 13:40 37:19.660 297w 149bpm
nz Justin Roy 2024/03/31 20:40 37:30.110 320w 159bpm
cl Daniel Cadiz 2024/08/25 13:40 37:47.190 309w 158bpm
au Nicholas Spratt 2024/10/27 13:40 38:04.460 287w 174bpm
de Alex Pleger 2023/08/27 13:40 38:59.420 283w 173bpm
nz James Mountier 2024/05/12 13:40 39:16.980 306w 162bpm
se Erik Rindborg 2024/03/31 20:40 40:04.170 275w 152bpm
au Nick Squillari 2024/12/29 13:40 40:05.940 278w 152bpm
au Andrew Neville-Ross 2023/08/27 13:40 40:27.260 283w 162bpm
au Luke Allport 2024/03/31 20:40 41:08.720 278w 152bpm
gb-wls Tom Walker 2024/12/29 13:40 41:23.970 274w 160bpm
nz Nathan Peterson 2024/10/27 13:40 41:36.730 261w 148bpm
se Joakim Skretting 2024/05/12 13:40 42:50.610 254w 162bpm
us Brian White 2024/10/27 13:40 43:26.040 267w 165bpm
nz alex west 2024/12/29 13:40 43:52.450 260w 146bpm
be Stephan Tytgadt 2024/12/29 13:40 45:46.640 244w 143bpm
fi Jere Grohn 2024/12/29 13:40 49:40.830 215w 170bpm
pl Wojtek Galuszka 2024/12/29 13:40 57:26.340 197w 141bpm
( Items: 1 - 36 from 36 )
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