event Feb 26, 2025, 05:30:00 PM

Rampage Racing

map Silent Dunes straighten 15.1 km landscape 80m repeat 2 laps sports_score Points based

Segment points are awarded to the fastest through timed sections, while finish line points go to the first riders across. Stay fast, stay sharp, and fight to the finish.

Rider Duration expand_more Power unfold_more BPM unfold_more Points unfold_more Custom points unfold_more
pt Diogo Oliveira 01:03.577 357w 188bpm 10 0
it Andrea Ferrigno 01:05.819 386w 156bpm 9 0
es Hugo Lopez 01:07.234 337w 185bpm 8 0
gb-sct Paul Anderson 01:08.743 261w 173bpm 7 0
cz Ondra Kundra 01:09.041 360w 0bpm 6 0
pt Francisco Sobrinho 01:09.754 275w 189bpm 5 0
it Matteo Bortoloso 01:10.359 252w 0bpm 4 0
gb-sct James Hutchison 01:10.930 328w 152bpm 3 0
ch juli Gurt 01:12.534 352w 0bpm 2 0
it massimo malfatti 01:20.520 250w 176bpm 1 0
fr Yoann .Normandie 01:34.159 198w 157bpm 0 0
es Jesus Lopez 01:39.219 194w 0bpm 0 0
( Items: 1 - 12 from 12 )
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