event Mar 11, 2025, 05:30:00 PM

Rampage Racing

map Hudayriyat straighten 13.2 km landscape 38m repeat 1 lap sports_score Points based

Segment points are awarded to the fastest through timed sections, while finish line points go to the first riders across. Stay fast, stay sharp, and fight to the finish.

Rider Duration expand_more Power unfold_more BPM unfold_more Points unfold_more Custom points unfold_more
pt Fabio Morais 00:17.186 573w 146bpm 10 0
fr Jeremy Marie 00:18.178 560w 167bpm 9 0
it Roberto Sciaccaluga 00:18.686 495w 150bpm 8 0
na Carlo 00:19.260 318w 181bpm 7 0
pl Tomasz Zasucha 00:20.972 296w 147bpm 6 0
es Manuel J Cruz M 00:21.305 248w 155bpm 5 0
gb Dave Dykes 00:21.881 319w 158bpm 4 0
gb adrian williams 00:22.124 237w 0bpm 3 0
it Marco Trotti 00:22.280 251w 0bpm 2 0
de Stefan Kuse 00:22.281 365w 125bpm 1 0
ma mohamed El Alami 00:22.414 193w 0bpm 10 0
ch Maxime Bouvier 00:23.079 211w 161bpm 0 0
es Roberto Zambrano 00:23.467 211w 0bpm 0 0
bb SGP 20 00:23.612 239w 121bpm 0 0
si pico bost 00:24.632 154w 166bpm 0 0
fr lionel delsaux 00:24.693 219w 0bpm 0 0
ae domenico salerno 00:24.745 166w 136bpm 0 0
be JAN TIMMERMANS 00:24.831 173w 118bpm 0 0
es cesar satorres 00:24.965 187w 131bpm 0 0
ae pippo austria 00:25.646 188w 0bpm 0 0
gb-nir lee coleman 00:29.023 176w 150bpm 0 0
( Items: 1 - 21 from 21 )
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