event Sun, 6 Feb 2022 14:00:00


straighten 45 km landscape 318m repeat 1 lap male Men only sports_score Time based
Rider Duration expand_more Power unfold_more BPM unfold_more Points unfold_more Custom points unfold_more
gb philip graves 01:23.015 395w 164bpm 0 0
nz Michael Vink 01:23.440 485w 169bpm 0 0
de Jason Osborne 01:28.545 413w 162bpm 0 0
ae rakkad al theeb 01:30.462 337w 162bpm 0 0
ae SS . 01:30.593 336w 138bpm 0 0
nz ollie jones 01:30.725 331w 160bpm 0 0
au mitch ferry 01:30.825 368w 150bpm 0 0
no Vidar Mehl 01:30.831 325w 151bpm 0 0
ae Mr X100 01:30.890 379w 142bpm 0 0
dk michael knudsen 01:30.923 308w 161bpm 0 0
au Tim Cutler 01:31.020 313w 157bpm 0 0
br Pablo Popovitch 01:31.103 322w 157bpm 0 0
gb Ross Fawcett 01:31.122 326w 173bpm 0 0
nz paul odlin 01:31.155 339w 152bpm 0 0
ae m mohd 01:41.176 281w 161bpm 0 0
ae Agit Salman 01:43.948 251w 170bpm 0 0
ae huu d'jonguu 01:44.339 247w 0bpm 0 0
co julio orrego 01:46.035 268w 167bpm 0 0
us Ryan Giuliano 01:51.827 266w 150bpm 0 0
ph Moises Baltazar 01:51.889 209w 173bpm 0 0
pk Bilal Khan 01:51.924 196w 167bpm 0 0
ae nour haouchine 01:51.954 230w 0bpm 0 0
br Cristiano Kenup 01:51.957 222w 167bpm 0 0
ae Badr Baddou 01:51.957 205w 0bpm 0 0
ae Steven Urbano 01:52.155 218w 177bpm 0 0
Russel Sissing 01:58.812 228w 160bpm 0 0
ph Gerald Coking 02:04.451 205w 162bpm 0 0
ae Al Ula AUH 30 02:04.944 186w 0bpm 0 0
ae keven 02:12.429 163w 167bpm 0 0
ae Bu Theyab 02:13.653 169w 144bpm 0 0
sa Suliman SSS Alsughier 02:14.285 183w 169bpm 0 0
Saad Alabdullah 02:16.225 164w 198bpm 0 0
ph Jerson ray Royana 02:16.974 164w 0bpm 0 0
ph Nephtali Burnot 02:17.503 131w 181bpm 0 0
ps rede richard 02:19.414 142w 0bpm 0 0
mansour alhassan 02:19.418 147w 167bpm 0 0
ae Bu Amer 02:30.627 135w 135bpm 0 0
mx Ricardo González Rubio 02:44.341 142w 169bpm 0 0
ae Afsal Methaleri 03:05.504 103w 156bpm 0 0
( Items: 1 - 39 from 39 )
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