event Sun, 6 Feb 2022 14:00:00


straighten 45 km landscape 318m repeat 1 lap male Men only sports_score Time based
Rider Duration expand_more Power unfold_more BPM unfold_more Points unfold_more Custom points unfold_more
gb Ross Fawcett 01:09.098 412w 171bpm 0 0
ae SS . 01:09.527 417w 135bpm 0 0
au Tim Cutler 01:09.722 409w 160bpm 0 0
no Vidar Mehl 01:10.055 383w 153bpm 0 0
de Jason Osborne 01:10.151 416w 166bpm 0 0
nz ollie jones 01:10.255 427w 166bpm 0 0
ae rakkad al theeb 01:10.317 537w 163bpm 0 0
nz paul odlin 01:10.520 398w 148bpm 0 0
dk michael knudsen 01:10.752 372w 163bpm 0 0
au Nicholas Spratt 01:11.209 358w 170bpm 0 0
ae Mr X100 01:11.371 380w 136bpm 0 0
ae m mohd 01:11.374 349w 169bpm 0 0
au mitch ferry 01:12.063 385w 148bpm 0 0
gb philip graves 01:12.200 379w 156bpm 0 0
nz Michael Vink 01:12.656 398w 157bpm 0 0
br Pablo Popovitch 01:13.642 377w 157bpm 0 0
ae Badr Baddou 01:20.377 218w 0bpm 0 0
ae Bu Theyab 01:20.505 229w 165bpm 0 0
ae Steven Urbano 01:20.506 237w 178bpm 0 0
us Ryan Giuliano 01:20.830 249w 147bpm 0 0
sa Suliman SSS Alsughier 01:25.484 219w 168bpm 0 0
co julio orrego 01:25.580 290w 164bpm 0 0
ps rede richard 01:25.581 194w 0bpm 0 0
Russel Sissing 01:25.612 207w 154bpm 0 0
ph Gerald Coking 01:25.614 226w 102bpm 0 0
pk Bilal Khan 01:28.023 201w 163bpm 0 0
ae nour haouchine 01:28.082 224w 0bpm 0 0
ph Moises Baltazar 01:28.184 213w 172bpm 0 0
ae huu d'jonguu 01:28.224 274w 0bpm 0 0
ae Agit Salman 01:29.832 251w 171bpm 0 0
br Cristiano Kenup 01:31.849 232w 167bpm 0 0
ae Bu Amer 01:34.350 189w 134bpm 0 0
ph Nephtali Burnot 01:35.605 140w 178bpm 0 0
ae Al Ula AUH 30 01:35.636 168w 0bpm 0 0
ph Jerson ray Royana 01:37.851 181w 0bpm 0 0
Saad Alabdullah 01:38.372 195w 198bpm 0 0
ae Afsal Methaleri 01:39.032 166w 171bpm 0 0
ae keven 01:42.660 160w 167bpm 0 0
mx Ricardo González Rubio 01:43.221 143w 163bpm 0 0
mansour alhassan 01:44.505 147w 169bpm 0 0
( Items: 1 - 40 from 40 )
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